For Immediate Release
For More Information: Contact Terri Jessie at 301-722-2700
or email [email protected]
2025 United Way Day of Caring & Sharing Set for May 16
CUMBERLAND MD – If the Jeopardy Game clue was “This single day activity in Western Maryland involves over 500 volunteers in 52 different places,” local viewers who jumped up and shouted, “What is the Day of Caring & Sharing?” would be correct.
The 28th annual United Way Day of Caring & Sharing, slated for Friday, May 16th, 2025, is a partnership between County United Way, Let’s Beautify Cumberland and the City of Cumberland that began back in 1997. Sponsored by Columbia Gas of Maryland and CSX Transportation, the event brings together people throughout our community to work on projects across the Queen City.
Hundreds of flowers will be planted, countless loads of mulch will be spread, fresh coats of paint will be applied, and trash will be picked up. Many of the adopted projects involve improvements recommended by CUW-funded nonprofit partners.
“As always, success on this important day depends on volunteer participation,” United Way Executive Director Michele Walker said.
“We have volunteers and participating organizations that have been coming out to help our city for over two decades, yet every year we are also blessed with others who are stepping forward for the first time.”
Walker feels that the rewards of volunteering are the ties that keep this long running activity going over all those years.
“Year in and year out, our volunteers can take a step back at end of a busy day and see the difference they’ve made at their work site,” Walker noted.
When organizers multiply that by over 50 work sites, Walker thinks they see the outcome of the overall effort. Participant t-shirts will be distributed during the week prior to the event. On Friday, May 16th, volunteers will gather at Veteran’s Park on Centre Street for traditional opening ceremonies, the pledge of allegiance and national anthem. Refreshments will be served. A flag ceremony will take place at Liberty Gardens at noon. The public is invited to attend. Lunch is provided by event sponsors at 12:30 PM. According to Terri Jessie, United Way’s Day of Caring coordinator, work currently is underway to identify projects for the 2025 event. A work group of participating employers, service clubs and non-profit organizers then recruit and assign volunteers to complete projects at the various adopted locations.
Anyone interested in submitting a project or businesses with volunteers interested in getting involved with the Day of Caring & Sharing, are asked to email [email protected] or call 301-722-2700 at their earliest convenience to become part of the 2025 event.