Designation Policy 

County United Way is happy to honor designations to other organizations through our annual campaigns, however, please note that our policy for doing so must be followed. Any designation that does not follow this policy will not be eligible and the donation(s) will be directed to our general funds. 

Process for Designations 
All eligible designations will be entered into our database to record with our campaign. At the close of the campaign, recipient designees will be notified of pledges made and provided the information made available* to County United Way, including name, address, and pledged amount. The purpose of this is to allow the designee an opportunity to thank their donors directly. 

*Note that not all workplace campaigns provide donor contact information. 

Making a Designation 
1) Minimum amount is $50.
2) Must provide complete/correct name of organization.
3) Designee must be a 501c3 in good standing with the IRS.
4) Must provide complete/correct address of organization. 

As noted above, any designation not in compliance will be directed to general funds in one of our counties. Our general funds are distributed to community programs, which are reviewed by volunteer committees in each county we serve. 

For more information, please contact us at or call 301-722-2700.